Triangle Coin Pouch
How to make a Triangle Leather Pouch

I love these cute little pouches for so many reasons: they make fun gifts, they’re great for carrying coins, they fit in almost any bag, the colorful prints are a delight to look at, and did I mention how easy they are to make? (you only need to sew one seam!)

(If you don’t feel like making one yourself, you can find ready to ship pouches on the special leather accessories sale on my online shop).

Making a leather triangle pouch
Colorful Leather Triangle Coin Pouches

What you’ll need:

How to make a Triangle Leather Pouch
Leather Triangle Coin Pouch

How to make a Triangle Leather Pouch:

1. Print and trace the Triangle leather pouch sewing pattern onto the leather piece and mark the place of the two holes for the button stud.

2. Cut the leather and punch the holes according to the markings you made.

*For tips on tracing patterns and sewing leather take a look at the Easy Working with Leather – Tips Series.

3. Use a knife to cut a small 3-4 mm slit according to the red marking on the pattern. This slit is important so that the head of the button stud can be easily inserted into the hole for fastening the pouch. To avoid making a slit that’s too wide, start cutting OUTSIDE the hole and TOWARDS the hole.

4. Screw in the button stud and tighten using a screwdriver.

5. Fold the pouch according to the folding lines on the sewing pattern (follow the yellow arrows), and sew along the yellow line.
*If you’re not using a sewing machine, you can use a leather awl to punch small holes along the yellow line on both layers of the leather, and sew by hand using thread and needle.


Making a leather triangle pouch
Printed Coin Pouch

These triangle pouches are great for more than just coins – You can fill them up with fun small surprises and give as presents to people you love! How about buttons, large beads, or candy?? (my favorite is colorful plastic eyes!)

So tell me – what fun surprises would you put in one of these pouches and who would you give it to?